Turn your videos into endless content.

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Use AI to re-purpose the videos you already made.It's like having a team of content creators chopping up your videos

Videos turned into…Blog Posts

Get more SEO traffic: If you don't have written content, you're leaving traffic on the table

Don't hire writers: Writers cost hundreds per post. Get blog posts for less than $20.

More ways to consume content: Some people like to watch. Some people like to read when they can't listen

Videos turned into…Chapters: Identify, categorize, and timestamp your video into meaningful chapters, making lengthy content navigable and engaging. Enhance your viewer's experience and get stronger SEO on YouTube.

Videos turned into…Tweets: Turn your videos into a series of compelling tweets. Pinpoint crucial moments from your content and craft them into shareable tweets.

Videos turned into…Summaries & Descriptions: Create concise summaries and detailed descriptions, helping your content shine on platforms like YouTube. Increase visibility and enhance discoverability

Videos turned into…Subtitles: Get your subtitles in .srt or .vtt format so you can add them to your videos to increase accessibility.

Videos turned into…Transcripts: Don't just pay to get a transcript of your video. Get a whole suite of content!

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Questions & Answers

How quickly can Video Tap turn my videos into content?

Typically, our system can generate content within a few minutes of uploading your video. However, this may vary depending on the length and complexity of the video.

Sept. 20, 2023

Is there a free plan?

We offer a free 3-video trial. Transcribing and processing videos is a good sized cost, so we can't offer more than that. We do however try to offer our features at low prices.

Sept. 20, 2023

What is included in each 'minute' of content?

Each 'minute' refers to the duration of the video you upload. From that minute, we generate a wealth of content, including blog posts, short clips, descriptions, summaries, tags, chapters, tweets, and more.

Sept. 20, 2023

How accurate is the content generated from my videos?

Our proprietary AI algorithms have a high accuracy rate. However, as with any automated system, there might be some discrepancies. We always recommend reviewing the content before publishing.

Sept. 20, 2023