Convert Your Favorite Cooking Videos To Recipes.

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Video2Recipe is a user-friendly utility designed to transform your preferred YouTube cooking tutorials into easy-to-follow recipes. Simply paste the video URL, and our AI system will extract the relevant information, generating comprehensive step-by-step instructions and a complete list of ingredients.

Please note that the tool is optimized for cooking videos with audio narration of the cooking process, meaning that videos featuring only music or lacking spoken explanations may not be suitable for conversion into recipes.

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Questions & Answers

What kind of videos are supported?

Generally, cooking videos with an audio description of the cooking process work best. This means that videos where the audio is just music, for example, can not be converted to a recipe (at least for now).

Oct. 9, 2023

The error message "This video doesn't seem to be related to cooking" shows up although it's a cooking video, why?

We try to automatically detect videos that are not related to cooking - so there is a slight chance that videos get misclassified - in that case, please contact us and include the video URL so we can improve our services.

Oct. 9, 2023

The error message "We could not convert this video.." shows up although it's a cooking video, why?

This can happen in case the video has no audio description and/or no subtitles are available. Make sure it is a cooking video with an audio description of the cooking process. If that is the case and the error persists, please feel free to contact us and include the video URL so we can improve our services.

Oct. 9, 2023

How does support work?

Feel free to contact us regarding any issues and we'll help you out as soon as we can. Feedback is very much appreciated!
Please be aware that the priority of your request will depend on the subscription plan you're currently on.

Oct. 9, 2023