Business resumes.

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Business resumes: Learn from the resumes of the most successful business people in the world. From Elon Musk to Kris Jenner. Learn about their time in the business world from scratch and build their wealth.

Music & Singer resumes: Explore the resumes and cover letters of your favorite music artists. What would their application look like if they suddenly had to look for a job? This and more insight into their history.

Acting & Film Industry resumes: From the big screen to the application screening. Your favorite actors and actresses get their careers reimagined in a resume. Although they’re unlikely ever to need one, as their reputation precedes them.

TV Personality resumes: Your favorite talk show host or broadcaster – learn what was their path to success and see what you can take away from it. We cover Jay Leno, Oprah, and more in-depth by analyzing their resumes.

Political & Activist resumes: In today’s turbulent political scene, you can see the careers of your favorite and least favorite politicians and activists. How they came to power and what made them leadership-material.

Sports resumes: What was the most important decision that made your favorite footballer, tennis player, and skier rise to fame? See the career history and most important moments of your favorite sports star.

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Questions & Answers

Why this resume generator?

We have been helping millions across the world craft their resumes. With these AI-inspired resumes, we wanted you to try and see what the best resumes of people you know and admire look like. The AI often goes haywire when writing resume content - both credit and criticism go to Open AI.

Dec. 14, 2023

Are the pictures generated by AI?

No, we’re using Wikipedia Creative Commons-licensed photos.

Dec. 14, 2023

Can I trust the information provided by this website?

Every page has been checked by our human staff for inconsistencies and errors. However, bear in mind that the purpose of This Resume Does Not Exist is to inspire you to make a stand-out resume and see what type of career accomplishments deserve to be put on your CV.

Dec. 14, 2023

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We have been fortunate enough to get the praise of the likes of Mark Cuban and millions of users that trust us. Help us help more people, share the link with people who are looking to craft a resume. Give them an opportunity to represent the best of what they could be.

Dec. 14, 2023