The Fastest Email Experience Ever Made

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Respond faster to what matters most: We all get too much email. The urgent buries the important. We don't reply to our team or VIPs. And we miss notifications from tools like Google Docs. As a result, we lose opportunities, block our teams, and damage our reputations.

Follow up on time, every time: You're sending a crucial email: closing a deal, delegating a task, or landing a meeting. But people are busy — you might not hear back. So what do you do? You could painstakingly maintain a list or spreadsheet. Or you could somehow try to keep it all in your head.
Superhuman makes it fast and easy. When you send an email, just choose a time — for example, 2 days. If you don't hear back by then, we'll remind you to follow up. You'll follow up on time, every time.

Type less and save hours every week: No matter how fast we are, we all hit the same limit: the sheer time it takes to type.
With Snippets, you can automate typing and push past this limit. Insert phrases, paragraphs, or whole emails. You can even include attachments, add people to CC, or BCC internal systems.

Snooze emails for later: You're far more productive when your inbox is free of clutter. But messages pile up. Maybe you need time to think, or you're waiting on a colleague. Or perhaps you just don't want to deal with them right now.
With Superhuman, you can snooze emails at the speed of thought. Just choose when — for example, next week — and we'll remind you then. No clicking required. Focus on what matters, and enjoy a more 

productive inbox.

See when people read your email: If someone doesn't reply, read statuses can show why. Maybe they never opened your email. Or perhaps they did, but on their phone. Now you can follow up with just the right message.
Use read statuses to close high-value deals, hire elusive candidates, and work more effectively with your team.

Fix errors as you go: It happens to all of us: you're busy writing an email, thinking deeply about the details of what‘s on your mind, but in the heat of the moment, you accidentally add an extra letter or miss an apostrophe. It breaks up your flow and makes you go back to correct it.                Autocorrect fixes errors as you go — extra characters, missing characters, transposed characters, missing punctuation, incorrect capitalization — to name just a few. It beats the autocorrect in Gmail and Outlook across multiple benchmarks.

Share read statuses across your team: In Superhuman, read statuses are shared across your team. Let's say a teammate sends an email and CCs you. Even though you did not send the email, you can still see when people read that email.
Use team read statuses to handoff work, communicate better, and collaborate more effectively.

Avoid collisions with your team: Imagine the scene: you and your team get an urgent email, so you rapidly reply. But just after you hit send, your team replies as well.  In the best case, you look disorganized. In the worst case, you contradict each other. 
In Superhuman, you can see exactly when your team is replying.  Know when your team is on it, and avoid embarrassing collisions.

Be brilliant with people: Superhuman weaves social insights into your workflow. See where they're based, and what they do. Find ways to break the ice, topics to bond over, and reasons to get back in touch. Grow your network by connecting on LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter.


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Questions & Answers

What email accounts does Superhuman support?

Superhuman works with Gmail, Google Workspace, and Outlook — for both personal and work accounts!

July 13, 2023

Which pricing plan is right for me?

We recommend Starter for individuals and small teams, Growth for growing teams of 5 or more who depend on email, and Enterprise for large or complex teams of 10 or more.

Growth includes more Support & Training benefits than Starter, and we will be launching new team features for the Growth plan over time. By signing up for a yearly plan now, you'll lock in these future team features at the lower introductory price!

Enterprise is designed for large or complex teams that would benefit from even more hands-on support & training, as well as specific security and compliance needs.

The differences in terms of features, support, training, and pricing can be found above.

July 13, 2023

What forms of payment do you accept?

We accept all major credit cards as well as Apple Pay and Google Pay. For the Enterprise plan, you can also request to pay by invoice.

July 13, 2023

How do I cancel?

If you have a team account made up of several individuals, you can remove individual subscriptions from your plan through Admin controls, and they will lose access to Superhuman through your team plan.

  • For a monthly plan, the bill for the removed account will be prorated based on the date they were removed.
  • For a yearly plan, you'll continue to pay for the removed user until the end of the billing period. If you invite a new team member the seat will be re-assigned to them.

You can cancel your entire team plan by emailing us at [email protected].

  • For a monthly plan, you'll continue to have access to Superhuman through the month you paid for.
  • For a yearly plan, you'll continue to have access to Superhuman through the year you paid for.

July 13, 2023