Your visitors have questions.

  • Custom


Voice Recognition: Leveraging advanced voice recognition technology, SiteGuide comprehends and processes visitor queries using natural language.

Real-time Solutions: SiteGuide delivers immediate responses, ensuring that visitors promptly receive answers to their questions and are steered towards the most relevant information on the website.

Tailored Site Guides: SiteGuide features trained AI models fine-tuned to the specifics of individual websites, making it a highly adaptable and site-specific solution.

Elevated User Experience: This tool significantly enhances the user experience, allowing visitors to swiftly and effortlessly access the information they seek, thereby improving satisfaction and engagement.

Insights and Analytics: SiteGuide also offers the valuable capability to detect gaps in website content and analyze visitor search patterns, facilitating data-driven improvements in content and user experience.SMS Integration: For real-time engagement, SiteGuide seamlessly integrates with SMS, enabling direct and immediate communication between the website and its visitors.

Potential Sales Growth: By enriching the user experience and streamlining the navigation process, SiteGuide has the potential to boost sales, as satisfied visitors are more likely to convert into customers.

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Questions & Answers

What is a SiteGuide?

Site Guide is a drop-in voice AI solution that indexes a website and can answer questions automatically. Our solution is designed to improve the user experience and provide fast, accurate answers to users' questions.

Oct. 28, 2023

How does a Site Guide work?

‍Site Guide uses advanced algorithms to index your website's content and answer users' questions in real-time. Our solution integrates easily with any website, making it quick and easy to get started.

Oct. 28, 2023

Is Site Guide easy to use?

Yes! Site Guide is designed to be easy to use and integrate with any website. Our solution requires no technical expertise and can be up and running in just a few minutes.

Oct. 28, 2023

‍How can I get started with a SiteGuide ?

Getting started with Site Guide is easy. Simply contact us to learn more about our voice AI solution and how it can improve your website's user experience.

Oct. 28, 2023