These are the main steps you can do to get started:
Drag and drop an audio sample into Samplab
Select and refine certain properties like tempo and key
Once you accept the file, Samplab will send it to our servers to turn it into an editable audio. You can now start editing the individual notes of the audio.
If you're using the plugin, drag the (link midi file) into the Samplab track to connect it to your DAW.
From here on, we suggest you just play around with the application to discover all the things you can do with your samples.
Sept. 19, 2023
Which operating systems do you support?
Windows: 10 or higher
MacOS: 11 or higher
Sept. 19, 2023
How can I install Samplab?
You can install Samplab by downloading the setup file and clicking it. Then simply follow the steps shown in the installation process. It will install both the Plugin and the Desktop App.
Sept. 19, 2023
Where does the installer save the plugin?
On Windows, the location for the VST3 plugin is "C:\Program Files\Common Files\VST3". On Mac, the location for the VST3 plugin is "HD/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/VST3" and for the AU plugin is "HD/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components".