All-in-one tool for fundraising.

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Verified emails: More than 70% of investors in our database have email addresses.

Accurate data: We verified an info by analyzing previous deals made by investors.

Active investors: Only active investors with deals in the past 12 months.

All types: Find investors of any specific type, stage, sector, location etc.

Up-to-date: Up-to-date database and new investor listings every week.

With available funds to invest: Only real investors with available cash to invest (dry powder).

Reach out in one click: It's easy to reach out to a selected investor. Connect your inbox, and there you go.

Powered by AI: Struggling with a message? Let our AI model generate the perfect letter for you.

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Questions & Answers

How exactly would I use Raizer?

If you're looking to raise capital or work with investors, there is no better place than Raizer. Since our network includes thousands of investors, you can find the right ones for you and reach out to them using our built-in outreach tool.

Dec. 3, 2023

Are investors on the platform opted in?

Huge part of investors opted in, while others came from our personal network or were added from open sources. All information is gathered legally and in compliance with data protection regulation.

Dec. 3, 2023

What type of investors can I find on the platform?

We have investors who invest in all possible industries. Our investors are active all over the world, from the USA to China, Europe to Australia; we have investors on every continent (except Antarctica, sorry). Our database includes Angel investors, Angel investing groups, Venture Capital funds, Family Offices, Accelerators, Private equity funds, and other types of investors.

Dec. 3, 2023

What does an AI generation mean?

This means that you can select your preferred style of message, and we will generate a message to reach out to investors in a more effective way, using the power of AI. The message is based on your startup information and the investor's data and background.

Dec. 3, 2023