Write the Perfect Freelancing proposal in seconds.

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Stand out from the crowd: Proposal Genie optimizes proposals for freelancers to increase their chances of winning jobs on platforms like Upwork and Freelancer.com. Get better results and secure more projects with ease.

Save Time: Proposal Genie uses AI to draft perfect proposals in no time. You don't have to spend hours writing and proofreading every proposal you send out.

Easy Customization: Easily customize your proposal to fit the job requirements and make it stand out from the competition.

Native-Level English Writing: Proposal Genie will help you craft perfectly written Proposals even if your native language is not English and you normally struggle writing.

Automated Proposal Generation: Proposal Genie automatically generates a proposal tailored to the job spec and user profile.

Customization Options: Users can customize their proposals to fit the specific needs of each job posting.

Comprehensive Dashboard: Users can view all of their proposals in one place, as well as track their success rate.

Expert Feedback: Proposal Genie provides expert feedback on users’ proposals to ensure they are up to industry standards.

Advanced AI Algorithms: Our AI algorithms are constantly learning, providing improved results over time with more and better proposals for you to choose from each time you use our system.

Easy-to-Use Interface: Our user interface makes it easy for everyone, from seasoned professionals to first time freelancers, to write winning proposals quickly and easily – no prior knowledge required!

Automated Processes: Our automated processes allow users to save time by automatically filling in their details once they enter them into our system once – no more copy pasting!

Comprehensive Database of Skills & Experience: Proposal Genie's comprehensive database of skills and experience allows users to find jobs perfectly suited to their abilities so they can get hired faster!

Customizable Templates: With customizable templates, users can make sure their proposal looks exactly how they want it – just choose a template, customize it and submit it.

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Questions & Answers

What is Proposal Genie?

Proposal Genie is a SaaS (Software as a Service) that uses AI to create proposals for its users for freelancing sites like Upwork or Freelancer.com. With Proposal Genie, you can easily generate customized, professional-looking proposals in just minutes - saving you time and energy.

Dec. 15, 2023

How does it work?

Proposal Genie works by taking the job specifications and your work details you provide and using AI to generate a perfect proposal for you. All you have to do is enter the details of the job and your work experience and Proposal Genie will take care of the rest.

Dec. 15, 2023

Who can use Proposal Genie?

Anyone looking to apply for jobs on freelancing sites like Upwork or Freelancer.com can use Proposal Genie. From freelancers to remote workers, our AI-powered platform makes it easy for anyone to create professional-looking proposals quickly and efficiently.

Dec. 15, 2023

What are the benefits of using Proposal Genie?

The main benefit of using Proposal Genie is that it saves users time while increasing their chances of getting hired. By taking care of all the hard parts such as creating an attractive proposal and researching similar jobs, our platform allows users to focus on other aspects of their job search such as networking or finding new opportunities. Additionally, with our AI technology, users don't have to worry about writing long-winded proposals - they only need to provide basic information about themselves and their desired job before having a perfectly crafted proposal ready in no time!

Dec. 15, 2023