Supercharge your podcast.

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Shownotes: A summary of your episode and chapters that make finishing your shownotes easy.

Chapters: Segment your episode into its core topics, with an easy-to-read format. Ready for Spotify and Youtube.

Transcript: A high-quality transcript to make your podcast more accessible and searchable in .TXT and .VTT formats.

Highlight Clips: Timestamps and transcripts of your episode’s “best of” moments. Podium finds those interesting quotes for you.

Social Media Posts: A social media post about your episode, ready to go for Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc.

Keywords and more: Tons of highly-relevant keywords so your podcast can be discovered more easily by fans and search engines.

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Questions & Answers

Can I only get a transcript? (or clips? or...)

Currently, Podium's features do not come "a la carte". If you process with us, a podcast, we provide you with all the features available.

Oct. 10, 2023

What languages are supported?

Podium works with over 90 languages including full support for English, Spanish, Indonesian, German, French, Italian, and Swedish.

Oct. 10, 2023

How much does it cost?

Podium has multiple plans to fit your needs and volume.

Oct. 10, 2023

How does Podium differ from all the other similar tools out there?

Unlike other tools, which strictly utilize publicly available (yet powerful) tools like GPT-3 and ChatGPT, Podium mixes these tools with proprietary AI which has been made for podcasts specifically. (Much of this is also being utilized for the Fathom podcast player.)

For example, most other tools cannot find clips or create chapters for your podcast, as these cannot easily be re-created using ChatGPT or GPT-3.

Oct. 10, 2023