Boost ecommerce LTV with AI generated video marketing.

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Maverick uses AI-generated video to help ecommerce stores have personalized interactions with each of their customers across their journey.

Increase customer satisfaction: Build real relationships with your customers by showing them the faces behind the brands and connecting with them in a meaningful way.

Drive revenue and engagement: Videos are the most effective marketing and engagement content, and personalization is a multiplier on top. Increase your customers' lifetime value through personalized video messages.

Get up and running with minimal setup: Other services make you record a new video for each customer you want to reach out to. With Maverick, you record once and your videos are personalized forever.


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Questions & Answers

What does pricing look like?

The service is a monthly subscription (that can be canceled at any time). Pricing varies based on the number of use cases you want to use us for as well as volume of personalized videos you want to send out. The lowest tier is $100/month.

Please book a quick 15 minute call/demo with us so we can assess your needs fully and give you an accurate quote.

Sept. 23, 2023

How do the videos get delivered?

Videos are delivered via email or SMS. Emails are sent from your domain through Maverick's platform. SMS can be sent via Klaviyo or Postscript (with Attentive coming soon!)

Sept. 23, 2023

What CRMs do you work with?

We work with most major e-commerce CRMs, including Klaviyo, Attentive, Braze, and others.

Sept. 23, 2023

Do I need a professional camera or studio?

The more casual and personal it feels, the better. We strongly advice to use your regular phone camera so no professional camera or studio is needed.

Sept. 23, 2023