How do I know if my audience is active on TikTok/Reels/YouTube?
Perhaps they aren't. Before deciding which platforms to be active on, here are 3 steps you can take to figure out where to reach your audience in the right place
1. Ask your audience. Choose 3 customers in your ICP and ask them where they hang out
2. Look for similar accounts. Search these platforms for companies who are arleady active.
3. Consult with the metrics of each platform to see where you can reach your audience.
Nov. 5, 2023
How can I customize the videos to my taste?
The more personalized your clips are, the better they will perform. Here's what you can do:
1. Choose clip editing styles. Choose between simple edits and more "tight" editing
2. Define your brand kit including logo, colors, fonts and custom CTA's
3. Use our Key Segments tool to choose which clips/timestamps to use for clips
Nov. 5, 2023
Will I be disappointed with the quality like other AI clip tools?
Heck no! While AI is effective for reaching 70% readiness/quality in video, it can not yet reach 100% results. This is why AI-only tools regularly create clips that are "meh" and not something most marketers/content teams would be proud to publish on their business pages. Our solution, which blends the power of AI with human editors focuses on high quality and ability to scale.
Nov. 5, 2023
We are using a freelancer for clips, why is this better?
Freelancers are a great way to quickly get started, but a headache to manage:
1. Availability - freelancers often get pulled into new tasks and ditch their previous ones
2. Bandwidth to manage - You need to manage freelancer, especially if from non-English speaking countries.
3. Can't scale. If you’d like to 10x your video output, you'll need to switch your setup.
Nov. 5, 2023