Translate videos quickly and easily in 40+ languages.

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  • Paid


One-Click Translation: LingoSync simplifies the translation process by allowing users to effortlessly upload their videos and translate them into more than 40 different languages with just one click. This streamlines the localization of content for a global audience, saving both time and resources.

Extensive Voice-Over Options: With over 220 voices to choose from, LingoSync provides a wide range of voice options to match the tone and style of your content. This extensive voice-over library allows for a personalized and engaging final result, ensuring that the translated content resonates with your target audience.

Affordable Pricing Model: LingoSync offers an affordable pricing model that is suitable for businesses of all sizes. This cost-effective approach ensures that even small and medium-sized enterprises can access high-quality video translation services without breaking the bank.

Fast Translation Process: LingoSync prides itself on an ultra-fast translation process. This efficiency not only helps businesses save valuable time but also minimizes the effort required for video translation. Timely delivery of localized content is crucial in today's fast-paced digital landscape.

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Questions & Answers

What does LingoSync cost?

Our fair pricing models will be announced shortly when LingoSync is released.

Be sure to sign up for our waiting list so you can be notified as soon as possible when you can get started!

Oct. 6, 2023

How complicated is the application?

LingoSync is beginner-friendly. We offer a clear overview of your projects and guide you when you want to translate your video.

In general, hardly any work time is required. The translation of the old and the creation of the new video then takes place automatically.

Oct. 6, 2023

What if there are errors in the translation?

If the automatic translation is not error-free, that's not a problem.

You can manually adjust the translated text, which will then be converted into speech.

Oct. 6, 2023

What customization options do I have?

You can choose from over 220 voices and are not limited to one voice per language!

You can adjust the translated text before it is converted into speech, and you can adjust the speed if desired.

Oct. 6, 2023