The conversational intelligence platform.

  • Paid
  • Custom


Easy collaboration: With the ability to share your experience via live comments and notes during your calls, your teams are closer than ever.

A contextualized summary of your calls: Choose the size of your summaries and receive them automatically on your CRM, on Leexi and by email if you wish!

Relevant data: Identify what makes your salespeople the best with detailed analytics of your team members' calls and videos.


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Questions & Answers

What is Leexi?

Leexi records, transcribes and analyzes all your sales calls. Leexi is the essential complement to a sales CRM and telephony and video conferencing tools.

The tool allows you to have a quick, qualitative and user-friendly onboarding. Leexi is a coaching and management tool that allows all team members to evolve and progress together, it is a tool for continuous improvement.

Oct. 7, 2023

How does Leexi compare to a sales CRM?

A sales CRM helps structure the interactions between a salesperson and their customer portfolio. It allows to focus on the prospect.

Leexi is an essential complement to the sales CRM through call replay, more focused coaching and quality onboarding.

Oct. 7, 2023

How does Leexi compare to a cloud phone system like Aircall?

Telephony tools focus on calls, the number of calls, their recording and their allocation to a customer.

Leexi is an essential complement to telephony tools. Leexi allows you to connect to your telephony and video conferencing tools and automatically analyze each call. Your customers become the center of your decisions. Automatic call analysis allows you to rank the most relevant calls. Calls become your source of reference to improve your team's performance.

Oct. 7, 2023

What problems does Leexi solve?

  • Leexi's mission is to solve the following problems:

    • Reduce the gaps between the "best salespeople" and the rest.

    • Limit partitioning and loss of information between salespeople.

    • Understand why deals don't get closed.

    • Discern which methods work and which don't.

    • Facilitate the onboarding of new salespeople.

Oct. 7, 2023