Optimize your resume to get more interviews.

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Show that you're the perfect match: Is your resume a good match for what a recruiter is looking for? If it's not, you might miss out on interviews for jobs you feel qualified for. Jobscan’s proprietary AI analyzes your resume and compares it to the job listing using AI technology. Use your match rate report to see how to optimize your resume to get more interviews.

Beat the bots: Most companies, including 99% of Fortune 500, use Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) to process your resume. These systems might cause qualified candidates like you to slip through the cracks. Jobscan reverse-engineered all the top ATS and studied recruiter workflows to get you in the “yes” pile.

See your missing skills: Jobscan matches hard skills, soft skills, and keywords from the job listing to your resume. AI-powered system will show you how to tailor your resume so that you highlight the skills and experience recruiters are searching for.

Free ATS Resume Builder: Most online resume builders are not designed to help you get past an ATS. The Jobscan resume builder gives you an ATS-friendly resume that will help you get past the bots and increase your interview rate.


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Questions & Answers

What is a good ATS score for a resume?

We recommend a match rate score of 75%. However, many career counselors and Jobscan users see success even with just a 65% match rate.

There is such a thing as an over-optimized resume. The general rule is that a higher score is better, but it might not be possible to score above 75% without overstuffing your resume with keywords.

Dec. 13, 2023

Do ATS scan resumes?

Each system offers a different combination and scope of features, but ATS are primarily used to help hiring companies collect, organize, and filter applicants. That means that an ATS will scan your resume and search for certain keywords, skills, job titles, and education that the recruiter is looking for.

Dec. 13, 2023

What Is a Resume Checker?

A resume checker will scan your resume and compare it to a job description. The checker will show you if your resume is optimized for an ATS and for the job listing. To ensure that the resume is optimized for an ATS, the resume checker will check the formatting and file type . It will compare the text in the resume to see if it matches the skills, keywords, job titles, and education requirements mentioned in the job listing.

Dec. 13, 2023

What is an ATS?

An applicant tracking system (ATS) is a human resources software that acts as a database for job applicants. ATS are used by companies of all sizes to organize, search, and communicate with large groups of applicants. Ninety-nine percent of Fortune 500 companies use an ATS as part of their recruiting strategy.

Dec. 13, 2023