Making level one interviews inclusive and fair, for every candidate applying for a job.

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Voice BOT for Level One Interviews: Did you know 90% of the candidates who apply for a job get ignored for a level one interview, even when their skills set match?

Some of the most common reasons are:

  • Insufficient resource's to talk and conduct interviews for all the candidates in the funnel
  • Mis-understanding of skill requirements
  • Inconsistency w.r.t selection criteria when shortlisting large volumes of candidates
  • Interviewer Bias that affects the hiring decision process can solve all of these problems using pre-trained Voice BOTs that can reach out to candidates directly on mobile or the Internet and conduct the interview, on the skill sets required for each job.

Chatbots for Candidate Engagement: Communicate and engage with candidates using WhatsApp Messenger. Using our chatbots you can now reach out to over 1000+ candidates in a single day.

  • Find candidate interest
  • Get CTC and notice period information
  • Get updated resume
  • Branded chatbot
  • Customize chatbot for your unique needs

Assessments with Zero Touch ATS: An ATS is a backbone for any talent acquisition strategy done right. Incorporating the latest advances such as AI, ML, and NLP technologies seamlessly into the talent acquisition workflow is crucial and should be done right. Our platform has feature rich tools such as:

  • Level one interviews with Voice BOT's
  • AI proctored Coding and MCQ Assessments
  • Assignments & Video Conferencing
  • Search and resume parsing
  • WhatsApp Chatbots
  • Staffing Vendor Management
  • Client Management
  • Career Pages, Social Media Support, & Job Board
  • RESTful API support for HCM or HRIS integration

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Questions & Answers

How does the BOT know if the actual candidate is attending the interview?

All interviews are video recorded and can be compared with a photo of the candidate joining the organization. The interview will not happen if video recording is not allowed.

Dec. 7, 2023

Do I have to train BOT for every job?

BOT needs training only if the skill set changes. also provides pre-trained bots that can be re-used.

Dec. 7, 2023

How difficult is it to train the BOT?

It's very easy, you give a question, type of expected answer (objective or descriptive), and a reference answer for the BOT to get the train. Simple !!

Dec. 7, 2023

What methods of payments are supported?

You can purchase the subscription on our platform via any major credit/debit card (via RazorPay) or with your net-banking account. We don't support cryptocurrencies or invoicing at this time.

Dec. 7, 2023