Review Any Contract With AI Before You Sign It.

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AI Contract Review: Enhances efficiency in decision-making by streamlining contract reviews through real-time analysis.

Global Contract Navigation: Expertly trained by legal professionals, goHeather adeptly navigates common-law contracts worldwide, providing comprehensive insights.

Security and Compliance: Compliant with SOC-2 standards, goHeather prioritizes the security of sensitive information, instilling confidence in users.

User-Friendly Interface: Designed for ease of use, the platform offers an intuitive interface, ensuring a straightforward experience in contract insights and HR document creation.

Automated HR Documents: Seamlessly generates high-quality HR documents, including employment contracts, reducing time and effort.

Local Lawyer-Made Templates: Leverages templates crafted by local lawyers, ensuring not only legal compliance but also enforceability in diverse jurisdictions.

Tailor-Made Employment Contracts: Customizes employment contracts to meet the specific legal requirements of different jurisdictions, providing a nuanced and reliable solution.

Free Trial: Allows users to experience the platform's capabilities through a free trial, ensuring satisfaction before committing to payment for services rendered.

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Questions & Answers

Can I edit goHeather’s contract?

With goHeather, you can build a custom contract using Heather’s premade clauses, choosing which clauses to include in your contract as you go. However, you cannot edit the contents of the clauses in the application because if you were to edit the clause yourself without a lawyer, you would seriously risk making it unenforceable. goHeather is designed to help protect you from making bad contracts. However, you can make your own paragraphs with your own text in goHeather's contracts, but consider getting legal advice on your proposed text before you do.

Dec. 15, 2023

Can I get legal advice?

We are not a law firm or a lawyer and cannot offer legal services, advice or support. We are a legal information provider. If you need legal services, advice or support, or if your needs are too complex for goHeather, contact a licensed lawyer in your jurisdiction. We cannot provide legal services, advice or support before you use our services, while you use our services or after you use our services. We also do not refer lawyers or recommend any one lawyer or law firm

Dec. 15, 2023

Can I add my own text?

Yes! goHeather asks you if you would like to create your own custom paragraphs to be inserted into our template in various sections of our employment contract. Consult with a lawyer if you have any questions about the enforceability of your own text.

Dec. 15, 2023

Is goHeather an application for employees?

No. goHeather is only for employers. Employees do not have access to goHeather. Employers use goHeather to create and send employment contracts to employees, while employees are only given access to a form to sign their employment contract. Thereafter, only Employers have access to goHeather's CMS dashboard containing employee profiles and copies of contracts.

Dec. 15, 2023