How does facial analysis work to determine face shape?
The facial analysis on our website is based on a combination of image processing and AI algorithms. First, the uploaded photo is analyzed to identify facial features such as eyes, nose, mouth and contours. A series of mathematical and statistical techniques are then used to determine the shape of the face. Our AI models have been trained on a large amount of data to produce accurate and reliable results.
Dec. 7, 2023
Are the photos stored on the website or used in any other way?
We attach great importance to protecting the privacy of our users. The uploaded photos are not permanently stored on our website. We use them exclusively for the purpose of facial shape analysis and ensure that they are kept secure and confidential. We do not store or use the photos for other purposes and ensure that your personal information is protected.
Dec. 7, 2023
Is the face shape analysis on the website free?
Yes, the face shape analysis on our website is free for all users. We want to ensure that everyone has the opportunity to analyze their face shape and receive suitable recommendations, regardless of financial ability. In order to continue to offer the service free of charge, we finance ourselves through advertising on our website. This support allows us to ensure that you as a user do not incur any costs and receive the full benefit of our face shape analysis.
Dec. 7, 2023
What types of face shapes does AI recognize?
Our AI recognizes different face shapes including round, oval, oblong, heart and square. We trained our AI model on a wide range of face shapes to cover as many variations as possible. It is important to note that there can also be individual variations within general facial shapes.
Dec. 7, 2023