"Bring your paintings to animated life."

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EbSynth is a video editing tool infused with AI capabilities, meticulously crafted to reshape video sequences through the technique of painting over a single frame.

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Questions & Answers

Is Esbynth free ?

Yes. The beta version downloaded from this website is free for commercial use. We‘re working on the final professional version that will come up with a license and will be paid.

Nov. 3, 2023

How should I add more keyframes ?

Always start with one painted keyframe and run the synthesis. After a while you‘ll see the output frames start to get messy. That‘s the time to add more keyframes. You‘ll create one by picking one of the messy result images and fix it by painting additional brush strokes over it. That way you make sure that all keyframes are consistent which is essential for the natural looking of the final blend.

Nov. 3, 2023

Can Esbynth work with Alpha channel ?

Yes, you can paint your keyframes on a transparent background and feed it to EbSynth. Possible leakage out of the alpha borders can be fixed by matching precisely the painting with the reference frame. You can also rotoscope the foreground and add the alpha mask sequence as the mask input in the EbSynth GUI.

Nov. 3, 2023

My output is black or empty, how do I fix it ?

Black output usually indicates that the GPU has run out of memory.
Try smaller resolution or disable GPU acceleration in the 'Advanced' tab.

Empty output folder can mean that your antivirus prevented EbSynth from saving images on the drive.
We will get Windows and Mac certification for EbSynth 1.0., in the mean time, consider adding an exception to your antivirus.

Nov. 3, 2023