Clipy Board - Manage your boards and improve your productivity.

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Customizable Messages: ClipyBoard enables users to configure messages to meet their unique requirements, making it an ideal solution for customer service interactions, influencer management, and more.

Collaboration Invitations: Users can invite collaborators, granting them access to the platform and allowing for seamless teamwork in crafting and sending messages.

Message Control: ClipyBoard puts users in the driver's seat, offering full control over the messages their customer service or influencer campaigns deliver.

Multi-language Support: Users can create messages in multiple languages, ensuring effective communication with diverse audiences.

Versatility: Whether for customer service or influencer collaboration, ClipyBoard adapts to various use cases, enhancing message management across different industries and scenarios.

Customizable Buttons: ClipyBoard provides the flexibility to create an array of buttons, allowing users to design tailored interfaces and interactions that suit their needs.

Team Sharing: Messages, buttons, and configurations can be effortlessly shared with teams, promoting collaboration and consistency in message delivery.

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Questions & Answers

Are there any hidden fees?

The application is totally free and will remain so. If we add features, we may consider a subscription around $7/month to use them!

Nov. 3, 2023

Is ClipyBoard really effective?

Yes, ClipyBoard has been designed and developed by people who are actively involved in customer service. It was born out of a real need and today it meets it perfectly.

Nov. 3, 2023

How many buttons can I create and can I share them with my teams ?

You can create as many buttons as you want, in as many languages as you want, for as many people as you want.

Nov. 3, 2023