Hire faster with VIDEO & AI VIDEOAIVIDEO & AI.

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Skills can be learned, personality stays: Speech, body language, personal traits are all analysed by the AI. The role, employment details and company culture are also taken into account. The result, the right personality-fit for any mission.

If a picture is worth a thousand words, video must be priceless: Thanks to candydate’s algorithms, you get to watch and pick top matches on video. Enjoy better informed decisions to fill vacancies fast.

AI assisted: Decisions get easier with AI-powered ranking, transcriptions search and deeper candidate insights.

Works anywhere: Place the QR code in your shop window or add a short link into your ads. Then watch the applications roll in.

Easy as selfies: Jobseekers apply by recording a short video pitch, from anywhere, using their own mobile or desktop devices.

Autopilot ON: Applications received get confirmed, analysed, and ranked automatically. Unsuccessful ones get notified too.

Broadcasting: Elevate your reach by getting your job offers sent directly to the leading job search platforms around.

Collaboration: Invite clients or people beyond your team as guests to watch and vote on applicants directly via text (SMS) or email.

Live stats: Track vacancy conversions, listings, page stats, and the performance of external ads or sources in real-time.

Unanimity rules: Shortlist or drop applications automatically when you, your team and guests feel the same about a candidate.

Likes to hires: Watch top prospects pitch live on video. Call only those you want joining the crew. No more wasted interviews.

Follow-up: Engage with your top candidates by requesting a follow-up video. Get better insights on-camera with extra questions.

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