BuildAI into your Business. In minutes.

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Build your own AI-powered web apps tailored to your business. No technical skills required.

Embed AI In your website: Offer your visitors a seamless experience, allowing them to interact with your personalized AI without ever leaving your site.

Inside your AI, Your voice: You are an expert in your field, so let the AI amplify that and showcase it to the world.

Use natural language to customize your app: Just tell the app what to do and how to do it, and it will follow your instructions.


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Questions & Answers

How do I start building my own AI app?

1 . Sign up to BuildAI.
‍2. Simply describe what you want the AI to do for your business in the following      format: “An app that [action] based on user’s [input]”.
‍3. View and customize the appearance of the app as you wish.
‍4. Run the AI app with an input to see the results.
‍5. Tune the AI app instructions to meet your needs and rerun it.‍
6. Get your own AI app’s URL and empower your business with it!


Sept. 11, 2023

What is an “App Run”?

An “App Run” is a single AI app running. Users who access your AI app and click "Run" will count as one "App Run" (including you as the builder). Your AI app's monthly app runs are determined by your plan (see pricing section).

Sept. 11, 2023

Can I build any app that I want?

No. The AI apps that we currently support are:
1. Text-based AI apps that get a text input and provide a text-based output.
2. AI Apps that require knowledge of world events and happenings up until              2021.
The BuildAI team has lots of plans for expanding our app support to more app types, so stay tuned!

Sept. 11, 2023

Can I get the AI app’s code?

There is no option to export the code. BuildAI hosts the app for you.

Sept. 11, 2023