Build your website in 60 seconds with the easiest AI website builder

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1. AI draft: Our AI designs a website draft for you in 60 seconds. Complete a questionnaire about your business and design preferences to add personalization.

2. Kickoff call: Chat with your launch specialist about website content, structure, and integrations before we get your approval on next steps

3. First draft: Designers update your AI-generated draft using the copy and images you provide or new content we create for you.

4. Share feedback: We collect your feedback on various parts of your website so that designers can iterate. launch.

5. Second draft: Designers incorporate your feedback, optimize your website for search engines, and ensure it looks great on all devices.

6. Approve launch: Review your site one last time before it goes live, then we help you connect your domain and launch your professional website!

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Questions & Answers

How does B12 create AI-powered websites?

Powered by artificial intelligence technology, B12 can create an entire website in seconds. Answer a few questions about your business, and generative AI produces your website draft with industry-specific images and copy. Your website draft is a starting point you can customize in real time with the B12 Editor.

B12 uses a human-in-the-loop AI system called Orchestra to organize teams of human experts and machines that work together to launch and update websites. This combination lets B12 experts work more efficiently, focus their work in the areas they're most knowledgeable about (e.g., SEO, copywriting, more advanced web design), and add accuracy and consistency.

Sept. 9, 2023

What else can I generate using AI?

B12 offers several AI tools you can use for free, including:

Additionally, the AI Assist feature is baked into your website, which allows you to generate copy for your website, blog, email — any textbox — in seconds. There are plenty of other free artificial intelligence solutions across the web, so whether you’re looking for an AI logo maker, free AI image generator, or AI email marketing tool, you shouldn’t have trouble finding it.

Sept. 9, 2023

Can I launch a free website with B12?

Yes! The free version of B12 allows you to publish a service-forward, responsive site with client intake forms, online scheduling, invoice templates, and payments. Get started and launch yourself same-day.

Sept. 9, 2023

Can I use my own domain with B12's AI site builder?

Yes, if you already have a domain, you can connect it to your B12 website. Otherwise, we can help you purchase a new domain.

Sept. 9, 2023