Near Perfect Instrumental And Vocal Isolation For Free.

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Best online tool used by musicians to split vocals from backing music in audio files. Use AudioStrip free or pay for premium to get batch upload, 10x faster isolation, and more.

AudioStrip is a free online tool used by musicians to split vocals from the backing music in audio files. It uses Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning, trained on large datasets of music to give you the best results, allowing you to separate your music quickly and effectively.

This website uses the results of the MDX-Net + Demucs libraries and is intended to make the AI models easier to use for musicians without requiring them the advanced technical expertise to use this AI otherwise.

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Questions & Answers

Why Am I Getting An Error?

Although errors are unlikely it does happen. The most likely reason is the file is too large (over 50mb for free users. over 200mb for premium users) or the file format is not one of the following: wav, mp3, ogg, m4a, wma, flac. Please ensure your song is not too long roughly over 8 mins for free users or 20 mins for premium users. Please also check your connection to the internet is fine. NOTE: For Non-Premium users there is a monthly limit of 3 free extractions per month.

Sept. 23, 2023

How Do I Get The Best Quality Output?

The best quality outout is going to be from way or flac since these audio files don't reduce the sound quality (unlike mp3. Please be aware some songs will work alot better than others based on the audio and what the Al was trained on. If you think it didnt work well on your song try a better file format or try another song.

Sept. 23, 2023

Didn't There Used To Be a Paste Link Option?

There did, but we have permanently removed it due to possible missuse, to be in line with copyright laws.

Sept. 23, 2023

How Do I Cancel/Change My Payment Details?

To cancel or change payment details for a premium account you must be logged in. Then click "My Account' in the top right, followed by 'My Subscription Details. You should then be able to cancel or change details from this page.

Sept. 23, 2023